MiFID II introduces new processes for authorising investment firms and will require investment firms and others to make a range of notifications.
KNG Securities LLP (“KNG”) is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA") - Reference Number 402459
The details of our Authorisation may be found here: https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000MfWR2AAN
KNG Securities LLP's, latest pillar 3 information can be found here: Download
As a part of our authorisations, and the FCA’s membership of ESMA, KNG is “passported" to be able to do business with financial institutions and investors throughout Europe, and beyond.
MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures
KNG Securities LLP's, latest MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures can be found here: Download
KNG Securities LLP operates within the scope of, and is fully compliant with, the European Directive known as MiFID II.
For MiFID II purposes, KNG is a Qualifying Investment Firm ("QIF”).
KNG does not operate as a Systematic Internaliser (“SI”) for any asset class. Nor do we operate an MTF or an OTF.
We will be pleased to discuss the provision of a complimentary Assisted Reporting service to those customers of KNG who may require it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you wish to discuss any matters relating to MiFID II, or clarifications on any other regulatory topics.
Our dedicated e-mail for enquiries on this subject is MIFID2@kngsecurities.com
KNG deals only with institutional counterparties, who will be categorised either as an Eligible Counterparty or as a Professional Client.
We do not engage in business with retail clients.
Your relationship with KNG will be governed by our Terms of Business, and Professional Clients will also benefit from our Best Execution Policy.
Please contact your salesperson directly to obtain these documents or if you have any other questions, please email your enquiry directly to Compliance@kngsecurities.com
KNG has a clearing relationship with BNY Pershing, which is known as a "Model B" Agreement.
This means that BNY Pershing has committed to stand as surety to, and guarantee performance on, all of KNG’s confirmed DVP trades.
BNY Pershing is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.
You will receive BNY Pershing’s Standard Settlement Instructions (“SSI’s”) as part of the account-opening process.